Free Download Todd - The System Download 2023 18 YEARS IN THE MAKINGMy fully optimized,
step-by-step system for manufacturing the sex
and dating life of your dreams
ONCE UPON A TIME.I got tired of that shitty feeling of walking past girl after girl and thinking "what if".
Truth was: I knew absolutely nothing about women.
I was an 18-year old engineering student who simply didn't "get girls".
No girlfriend. No dates. No sex life. (Yep, I was a virgin when I started.)
But I had one thing going for me.
I DO NOT QUIT UNTIL I REACH MY GOALSIn all those 19 years, "knowing what to do" has been a major reason behind why I got as good as I did.
While other guys wallowed in mental masturbation and inaction, I committed to taking SMART ACTION.
Action focused on building one thing and one thing only: