
» » Complete Vue & Vuex & Javascript Mastery With Real Projects

Complete Vue & Vuex & Javascript Mastery With Real Projects

Author: fullsoftcrack on 4-11-2023, 19:33, Views: 24

Complete Vue & Vuex & Javascript Mastery With Real Projects
Free Download Complete Vue & Vuex & javascript Mastery With Real Projects
Published 10/2023
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 8.48 GB | Duration: 25h 32m
Vue Js is a popular Front End Web Development Framework Java Script. Learn Vue.js, Vuex, JS together and build web apps

What you'll learn
What are javascript variables, why are they used
What is javascript Boolean Logic
How to include JS File in HTML CSS javascript
What is conditional statements (if else, switch case, ternary operator), how to use in javascript
How to write javascript Functions, what are the differences between Function Decleration and Function Expression
What is javascript loops (for loops, while loops, continue and break statements), how to use them
How to create javascript Arrays, Array methods (push, pop, shift, unshift ...), Array iteration
How to create javascript objects, how to update them, object methods
What is DOM, how to manipulate DOM in javascript
javascript is a text-based computer programming language used to make dynamic web pages.
What is javascript? javascript is a curly-braced, dynamically typed, prototype-based, object-oriented programming language.
javascript is the programming language that allows users to interact with the websites that they're visiting, making it a very important language for webdevelop
What are the main uses of javascript? javascript is a text-based programming language used for client- and server-side development.
React vs. Angular vs. Vue: what is the best javascript framework? Choosing the best javascript framework for your web project depends on what you are lookingfor
What is JSON and what is it used for? Because of the evolution of the javascript language, javascript has a variety of techniques for creating objects.
With all of the different javascript IDEs available, the best option depends on how you intend to use it, along with your personal preferences.
Learn Web App Development with Vue .js
We will learn routing in Vue .js applications with Vue-Router packages
We will learn to access API and third-party software in Vue .js applications with Axios packages.
Composition API
Learn the latest version of Vue .js
We will learn how to develop Single Page Apps with Vue .js
We will see Vue .js manual installation and installation with
How to create Web Application with Vue, Vue JS.
Vue, vue js, vuejs, nuxt, vue .js, vue 3, nuxt js, vuex.
What is Vue JS?
Most important Vuejs topics.
How to create multi-page web app with vue-router in vue js.
How to manage the data of our application with the vuex.
If you're looking for a javascript web framework that isn't going to drown you in complexity, take a look at Vue js.
Vuejs takes what other frameworks have done before, but does it in a way that's fresh and easy-to-use
Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS for javascript
Willingness and Motivation to successfully complete the training
Desire to learn javascript
Desire learn javascript Projects
Desire to learn Modern Javascipt
Desire to learn javascript libraries; React, Angular, NodeJS
Desire to learn javascript Apps
Nothing else! It's just you, your computer and your ambition to get started today
No knowledge of using Vue .js is required.
We preferred Windows OS (64-bit) but this is not mandatory. You can prefer to use other Operating Systems.
Having a working computer with 8 GB RAM or higher and internet connection
Desire to learn Web Application Development
Watching the Vue .js course videos completely, to the end and in order.
Hello,Welcome to the " Complete Vue & Vuex & javascript Mastery with Real Projects " course.Vue Js is a popular Front End Web Development Framework Java Script. Learn Vue.js, Vuex, JS together and build web appsVue (pronounced like view) is a frontend development framework for javascript (JS) that you can use to build web-based user interfaces especially in vuex library. You can also use vue js to create one-page applications and handle animations, interactive elements, and graphics. Generating projects is also possible with the user-built presets, which is commonly applicable for coders working in enterprise environments. Because vuejs is based on javascript, you can easily integrate Vue into an existing JS project.Whether you're trying to build a full single-page application or merely add a bit of interactivity to your existing app, Vue.js has a spectrum of tools to help you get your job done, and that course can help you get up and running quickly. Vuex, Vue, vue js, vuejs, nuxt, vue.js, vue 3, javascript, java script, javascript projects, javascript Project, app ProjectIf you're looking for a javascript web framework that isn't going to drown you in complexity, take a look at Vue.js. Vue.js takes what other frameworks have done before, but does it in a way that's fresh and easy-to-use. Using Vue.js lets you focus your application rather than on your framework.Before taking this course, you only need to have a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. In our course, the basics of javascript are dealt with in detail, and students are provided to test what they have learned with code quizzes prepared for each subject.javascript is a very important programming language for internet applications.Here's how a javascript code works, not just how it works. Because in today's javascript world, besides writing a code, you need to know how to debug this topic and be able to read every written javascript code.javascript is a text-based computer programming language used to make dynamic web pages. A must-learn for aspiring web developers or programmers, javascript can be used for features like image carousels, displaying countdowns and timers, and playing media on a webpage. With javascript online classes, you can learn to build interactive web applications, choose the best framework, and work with other programming languages like HTML and CSS.During our course, you will be informed about the basics of javascript in detail and how to solve problems.The most important feature that distinguishes this course from the others is that it deals with the most basic issues about javascript in detail and helps students to put what they have learned in theory into practice.In our course, you can test what you have learned on both MAC and Windows computers. You do not need to purchase any tools or applications as free tools and platforms are used.During the course, I made sure to explain all the topics that may seem complicated to you as simple and detailed as possible. I have used some diagrams to help you understand better.Join more than 12 million learners and train up on javascript on Udemy. Choose from a wide range of top-rated javascript courses. From back-end development to app or website building, we've got you covered. Our real-world experts can lead you through hands-on projects to apply your skills.In this course you will learn to develop web applications with Vue JS, Vuex, javascript from scratch.If you are thinking to realize your dream web application, this course is for you.We have explained Vue, javascript and Vuex from beginner to all levels. We have explained all the topics as simple as possible with examples, slides, and diagrams.We have created a lot of projects while explaining the subjects. Because we believe that applied educations are much more useful than other teaching methods.We explained all the subjects with simple examples and applications, and explanatory diagrams in a way that the student can understand at all levels.In this tutorial you will learn;How to create Web Application with Vue JS.Most important Vue JS topics.How to create multi-page web app with vue-router.How to manage the data of our application with the vuex.How to easily build the largest and most advanced applications using vue and vuex.How you can operate on variables in javascript,Boolean logic in javascript,How to create a conditional statement in javascript,How you can perform transactions with Loops in javascript,How a function is created and why it needs arguments in javascript,How Arrays and Objects, which are basic data structures, are created in javascript,How DOM Manipulation is done in javascript,You will have learned and have the opportunity to test what you have learned with the code quizzes in our course.FAQs about Vue, Vuex, javascriptWhat is Vue JS?Vue (pronounced like view) is a frontend development framework for javascript (JS) that you can use to build web-based user interfaces. You can also use it to create one-page applications and handle animations, interactive elements, and graphics. Generating projects is also possible with the user-built presets, which is commonly applicable for coders working in enterprise environments. Because it is based on javascript, you can easily integrate Vue into an existing JS project. Vue uses the traditional Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which means that the core library of Vue.js focuses on the view layer by default. It enforces a one-way data flow between components. This also makes it easy for you to integrate with other libraries or existing projects. Vue also uses virtual DOM (Document Object Model), which makes it faster than regular DOM. Instead of re-rendering the whole page, Vue only updates the objects that you change.What is the difference between Vue and React?Although Vue has an MVC architecture, you cannot use it with a different architectural approach, which differs from the Component Based Architecture (CBA) used in React. They also differ in how they optimize data. When a component's state changes in React, it triggers the re-render of the entire component sub-tree, starting at that component as the root. Vue automatically tracks a component's dependencies during its render, so the system knows which components actually need to re-render when the state changes. In React, everything is in javascript. Vue, on the other hand, embraces web technologies like HTML, CSS, and javascript and allows you to build off of them. Another difference between these frameworks is how you can scale up your projects. React only offers a single template that assumes you're building a single-page application, while Vue offers several default options for multiple purposes and build systems.Is Vue JS easy to learn?Vue JS can be easy to learn. Unlike other frontend technologies, Vue doesn't require in-depth knowledge of libraries. If you want to start learning Vue, all you need to have is basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and javascript. Compared to other coding technologies, developers typically classify Vue.js as having an easy learning curve. This is due largely in part to Vue's reputation for having an elegant programming style and patterns. Because Vue is a progressive framework, it makes it easy for you to use it to integrate into an existing project. Because of its familiar templating syntax and use of components, you may find that integrating or migrating existing projects to Vue is fairly straightforward. Vue is known for offering a vast ecosystem of tools and companion libraries, making it a simple framework that you can use to respond to the complex needs of enterprise-grade applications.What is Vuex used for?Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue. js applications. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion.What is difference between Vue and Vuex?Vue is a progressive javascript framework and Vuex is the state management tool. We can use redux or flux inside Vue, But Vuex is native to the Vue.Why do I need Vuex?Vuex is a popular way to handle a complex app's authentication in Vue. With Vuex, you're able to handle the token's availability and access controls and route blocks throughout your app. Mutations, getters, and setters assist with this task.How does Vuex store work?It works by having a central store for shared state, and providing methods to allow any component in your application to access that state. In essence, Vuex ensures your views remain consistent with your application data, regardless of which function triggers a change to your application data.When Should I Use It?Vuex helps us deal with shared state management with the cost of more concepts and boilerplate. It's a trade-off between short term and long term productivity.If you've never built a large-scale SPA and jump right into Vuex, it may feel verbose and daunting. That's perfectly normal- if your app is simple, you will most likely be fine without Vuex. A simple store pattern (opens new window)may be all you need. But if you are building a medium-to-large-scale SPA, chances are you have run into situations that make you think about how to better handle state outside of your Vue components, and Vuex will be the natural next step for you.What is javascript?javascript is a curly-braced, dynamically typed, prototype-based, object-oriented programming language. It started as the programming language for the web and is one of the three layers of standard web technologies — the other two being HTML and CSS. javascript allows you to create and control content dynamically on a web page without requiring a page reload. Web browsers are able to interpret it, and when triggered by events, modify the HTML and CSS of a web page with dynamic updates. javascript also uses asynchronous calls to fetch data from web services in the background. Although it was initially only used in web browsers, javascript engines have since been put to use as servers with Node.js, included in desktop application frameworks like Electron, and embedded in phone frameworks like Apache Cordova.Why is javascript important?javascript is the programming language that allows users to interact with the websites that they're visiting, making it a very important language for web developers to know. In the past, most developers focused on the backend; javascript was only relevant when they needed to use visual effects. As web development evolved and the focus shifted towards user experience, programmers started to rely on javascript for their frontend code heavily. Today, most sites use javascript to fetch and submit data, use logic, and generate HTML in browsers. javascript can also communicate asynchronously with data servers in the background without interrupting the user interaction in the foreground. These features make javascript not only an important language but a necessary language for modern web development.What are the main uses of javascript?javascript is a text-based programming language used for client- and server-side development. Web developers have used javascript since its inception to add simple interactivity to web pages like modals, animated elements, or image slideshows. While that is still one of its primary uses, javascript has evolved to building complete web applications. SPAs, or single page applications, depend on javascript-based frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue to bring a desktop-like application experience to the browser. However, it's important to note that web browsers aren't places that make good use of the programming language. javascript is also popular for building web services and back-end infrastructure with Node.js. React Native, Xamarin, Ionic, and NativeScript frameworks use javascript for developing phone apps as well.React vs. Angular vs. Vue: what is the best javascript framework?Choosing the best javascript framework for your web project depends on what you are looking for. React is a popular framework, which means you will find a lot of community support if you need help. It is also considered relatively easy to learn but is being developed at a rapid pace. Angular is a framework that makes data binding easy so that you can template an application faster. It also uses the RxJS library to simplify asynchronous programming and Typescript (which compiles to javascript) for a cleaner, less error-prone development process. Some cons of Angular are that it can have a steep learning curve and can be complex. Vue is a lightweight framework, so it is easy to learn, very performant, and flexible. Some cons of Vue are limited plugins, and its flexibility can lead to irregular code.What is JSON and what is it used for?Because of the evolution of the javascript language, javascript has a variety of techniques for creating objects. But, ultimately in the background, javascript is using a syntax called JSON. JSON stands for javascript Object Notation and is a standard text-based format used to represent objects in javascript. The same basic types of data represented in javascript can also be represented in JSON, including strings, numbers, arrays, booleans, and javascript objects. Although JSON is based on the javascript object, it is not just used in javascript. It is also used as a format to transfer data from a web browser to a server and vice versa because of the format's simplicity and small size. The JSON format is used in REST APIs for this purpose and has replaced XML as the standard format for many APIs. Because of this, just about any language you use will have a method of converting data into JSON to interact with REST APIs.How can I teach myself javascript?One of the best ways to learn to write code is through an online course that teaches you how to write javascript with an instructor that will explain the code, what versions you should use, and why. Learning to develop a real-world application, with an instructor explaining in a step-by-step fashion, will teach you modern code techniques.What is the best IDE for javascript?With all of the different javascript IDEs available, the best option depends on how you intend to use it, along with your personal preferences. Webstorm is a popular javascript IDE from JetBrains. It provides fast static code analysis, integrated testing, local history, code refactoring, and debugging. While the IDE requires a paid subscription, many developers swear by it because of its compatibility with javascript, HTML, and CSS. Those searching for a free option might prefer VS Code. This general-purpose, open-source IDE comes with IntelliSense, Git integration, and debugging features built-in. Many third-party extensions are available to add new language and programming features, making it one of the more flexible choices. Atom is another general-purpose IDE that is popular with javascript developers. It is also free, open-source, and has third-party extensions to add functionality.Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises Fresh ContentIt's no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New tools are released every day, Vue updates its system, and it's crucial to stay on top of the latest knowledge. With this course, you will always have a chance to follow the latest trends.Video and Audio Production QualityAll our content is created/produced as high-quality video/audio to provide you with the best learning experience.You will be,· Seeing clearly· Hearing clearly· Moving through the course without distractionsYou'll also get: Lifetime Access to The CoursFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now into;" Complete Vue & Vuex & javascript Mastery with Real Projects " course.Vue Js is a popular Front End Web Development Framework Java Script. Learn Vue.js, Vuex, JS together and build web appsWe offer full support, answering any questions.See you on the other side!
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1 Welcome To The javascript World
Lecture 2 Configuration of Code Editor
Section 2: Basics of javascript
Lecture 3 Let's Dive In
Lecture 4 First Code
Lecture 5 Introduction to javascript
Lecture 6 Linking a javascript File
Lecture 7 Values and Variables
Lecture 8 Data Types
Lecture 9 Let, Const and Var Keywords
Lecture 10 Basic Operators
Lecture 11 Operator Precedence
Lecture 12 Strings and Template Literals
Lecture 13 If / Else Statements
Lecture 14 Type Conversion and Coercion
Lecture 15 Truthy and Falsy Values
Lecture 16 Equality Operators
Lecture 17 Booleans
Lecture 18 Logical Operators
Lecture 19 Switch Statement
Lecture 20 Statements and Expressions
Lecture 21 Ternary Operator
Section 3: Basics of javascript Part Two
Lecture 22 Strict Mode
Lecture 23 Functions
Lecture 24 Declarations and Expressions
Lecture 25 Arrow Functions
Lecture 26 Functions Can Call Other Functions
Lecture 27 Recap
Lecture 28 Arrays
Lecture 29 Basic Array Operations
Lecture 30 Objects
Lecture 31 Objects Notations
Lecture 32 Object Methods
Lecture 33 The For Loop
Lecture 34 Looping Arrays
Lecture 35 Looping Backwards
Lecture 36 The While Loop
Section 4: javascript in the Browser: DOM and Events Fundamentals
Lecture 37 Project What is in the box?
Lecture 38 DOM ( Document Object Model )
Lecture 39 Selecting and Manipulating Elements
Lecture 40 Click Events
Lecture 41 Game Logic 1
Lecture 42 Game Logic 2
Lecture 43 CSS Styles
Lecture 44 Reset Button
Lecture 45 Highscores
Lecture 46 Refactor
Lecture 47 Project Rock Paper Scissors
Lecture 48 Selecting Elements
Lecture 49 Generate Computer Selection and Make Player Selection
Lecture 50 Display Player and Computer Choices on the Page
Lecture 51 Compare Choices and Get Result
Lecture 52 Update Score and Game Over Functionality
Lecture 53 Reset Game Functionality
Section 5: How javascript Works Behind the Scenes
Lecture 54 Overview of javascript
Lecture 55 JS Engine and Runtime
Lecture 56 How javascript Code Execute?
Lecture 57 Scope and Scope Chain
Lecture 58 Variable Environment
Lecture 59 This Keyword
Lecture 60 How The This Keyword Works in Action
Section 6: Data Structures, Modern Operators and Strings
Lecture 61 Array Destructuring
Lecture 62 Objects Destructuring
Lecture 63 Spread Operator
Lecture 64 Rest Operator
Lecture 65 Short Circuiting
Lecture 66 Let's Work with Strings 1
Lecture 67 Let's Work with Strings 2
Lecture 68 Let's Work with Strings 3
Section 7: Arrays Methods
Lecture 69 Simple Methods
Lecture 70 forEach Loop
Lecture 71 map() Methods
Lecture 72 filter() Method
Lecture 73 reduce() Method
Lecture 74 find() Method
Lecture 75 flat() and flatMap() Method
Lecture 76 Sorting Arrays
Section 8: Async javascript
Lecture 77 Introduction to Async javascript
Lecture 78 First AJAX Call
Lecture 79 Request Chain
Lecture 80 Promises and Fetch
Lecture 81 Get Data From Promise
Lecture 82 Promise Chain
Lecture 83 Error Handling of Promises
Lecture 84 Throwing Errors
Section 9: Entrance
Lecture 85 What we will learn?
Lecture 86 What is this Vue.js?
Lecture 87 Advantages of Vue.js
Lecture 88 Vue.js Two way data binding & Virtual DOM & Componnet
Lecture 89 Node.js
Section 10: Installing With Vue.js in CDN
Lecture 90 Installing with CDN-1
Lecture 91 Installing with CDN-2
Section 11: Introduction to Vue.js
Lecture 92 Vue.js with CLI
Lecture 93 Vue Js Project Files
Lecture 94 What is this package.json
Lecture 95 Using Classes in Vue.js
Lecture 96 Style First Look
Lecture 97 Variables
Section 12: Vue.js DOM Operations
Lecture 98 File structure in vue.js
Lecture 99 What is this template?
Lecture 100 What is this Script?
Lecture 101 What is this Style?
Lecture 102 String Interpolation
Lecture 103 Attribute Binding
Lecture 104 What Is Directive
Lecture 105 Event Handling
Lecture 106 Get Event Data
Lecture 107 Sending Parameters to Events
Lecture 108 Event Modifier
Lecture 109 How to Write javascript Inside a Template
Lecture 110 Two Way Data Binding
Section 13: Vue.js Directives
Lecture 111 v-html
Lecture 112 v-text
Lecture 113 v-once
Lecture 114 v-show
Lecture 115 5-v-if & v-else & v-else-if
Lecture 116 v-for
Lecture 117 v-model
Lecture 118 v-on
Lecture 119 v-pre
Section 14: What Is This Data Object
Lecture 120 What Is This Data Object
Section 15: Style In Vue.js
Lecture 121 Dynamic Class
Lecture 122 Inline Style
Section 16: Lists & Conditional Statements
Lecture 123 Rendering List
Lecture 124 Using Conditional Expressions in Lists
Lecture 125 Sending Data in List to Functions
Lecture 126 Deleting an Item From a List
Lecture 127 Object Rendering
Section 17: Component Creation and Props
Lecture 128 Component
Lecture 129 More Component
Lecture 130 Global Component
Lecture 131 Data Transfer With Props
Lecture 132 Props Validation 1
Lecture 133 Props Validation 2
Lecture 134 Props Validation 3
Lecture 135 Custom Title
Lecture 136 Using Props in Functions
Lecture 137 Ensure Data Flow From Down to Up
Lecture 138 Sending Data With Provide Inject Method
Lecture 139 Component(Example Application)
Section 18: Slot
Lecture 140 Slot
Lecture 141 Named Slot
Lecture 142 Named Slot Example
Section 19: Dynamic Component
Lecture 143 Dynamic Components
Lecture 144 Keep Alive
Lecture 145 Activated & Deactivated
Section 20: Teleport
Lecture 146 Teleport
Section 21: Vue.js LifeCycles
Lecture 147 What is This LifeCycles
Lecture 148 beforeCreate & created
Lecture 149 beforeMount & mounted
Lecture 150 beforeUpdate & updated
Lecture 151 beforeUnmount & unmounted
Section 22: Refs & Computed & Watch
Lecture 152 Ref
Lecture 153 Multiple Refs
Lecture 154 Computed
Lecture 155 Watch
Section 23: Application_TodoApp
Lecture 156 Project Presentation
Lecture 157 Template Structure Creation and Styling
Lecture 158 Creating Button Functions
Lecture 159 Finishing the Project
Section 24: Working with Form Elements
Lecture 160 Inputs
Lecture 161 Textarea & Button
Lecture 162 Select
Lecture 163 Checkbox & Radio
Lecture 164 Custom File Input
Lecture 165 User Input Bind
Lecture 166 Dynamic Select Option
Lecture 167 Dynamic Checkbox Bind
Lecture 168 File Bind & Dynamic Radio Bind
Lecture 169 Form Submit
Lecture 170 Let's Bind v-model to Our Own Component
Lecture 171 Simple Form Validation
Lecture 172 Dynamic Input Bind
Section 25: Vuejs Async Component
Lecture 173 Async Component
Section 26: Mixin
Lecture 174 What is this mixin?
Lecture 175 Let's Create a mixin.
Lecture 176 Global Mixin
Section 27: $nextTick
Lecture 177 nextTick
Section 28: HTTP Operations
Lecture 178 Fetch With Get Request
Lecture 179 Creating a List Design
Lecture 180 Component Creation
Lecture 181 Render a List
Lecture 182 Loading
Lecture 183 Error
Lecture 184 Post Creation
Lecture 185 Delete Post
Lecture 186 Axios
Section 29: Application_NasaPhoto
Lecture 187 App Introduction and API Key
Lecture 188 WelcomeScreen & API key
Lecture 189 WelcomeScreen & API key 2
Lecture 190 Show WelcomeScreen
Lecture 191 Input
Lecture 192 List
Lecture 193 Loading
Lecture 194 Rendering & Styling Cards
Lecture 195 Final Look at The Project
Section 30: Routing
Lecture 196 Plugin
Lecture 197 Routing
Lecture 198 Creating a Router
Lecture 199 router-link & router-view
Lecture 200 Router Link Active Class
Lecture 201 Router View Grid Example
Lecture 202 Routing With Code
Lecture 203 Params & Route Sensitive
Lecture 204 Query & Params
Lecture 205 notFound Page
Lecture 206 Route Parameter Checks
Lecture 207 Nested Routers
Lecture 208 Named Router View
Lecture 209 Redirect & Alias
Lecture 210 Scroll Behavior
Lecture 211 Adding, Deleting and Listing Dynamic Routers
Lecture 212 Lazy Load Routers
Lecture 213 Router Meta
Lecture 214 Router Meta Example
Lecture 215 Router Guard
Lecture 216 Global Router Guard
Lecture 217 Let's Create a Router Layout
Section 31: Composition API
Lecture 218 Composition API
Lecture 219 Setup & Ref
Lecture 220 Reactive
Lecture 221 isRef & isReactive & toRef
Lecture 222 Component Defination
Lecture 223 Props
Lecture 224 Emits
Lecture 225 Refs
Lecture 226 Computed
Lecture 227 Watch
Lecture 228 Custom Directive
Lecture 229 Hooks
Lecture 230 More Custom Hooks
Lecture 231 LifeCycles Hooks
Lecture 232 Vue Router
Section 32: Shopping-App
Lecture 233 App Introduction & Fake Store API
Lecture 234 Project Setup
Lecture 235 Header
Lecture 236 HomeView
Lecture 237 ShopContext
Lecture 238 Product Card
Lecture 239 ProductDetailView
Lecture 240 Category Fetch & Product Fetch
Lecture 241 Specific Data Fetch
Lecture 242 Shopping Card
Section 33: State Management Vuex
Lecture 243 What is this vuex and why we should use vuex?
Lecture 244 Installing vuex with CLI
Lecture 245 List Component
Lecture 246 useStore()
Lecture 247 Mutations
Lecture 248 Actions
Lecture 249 Getters
Section 34: Todo-App-Vuex
Lecture 250 Project Introduction
Lecture 251 Home Page
Lecture 252 Todo Page & AddTodo
Lecture 253 ListTodo
Lecture 254 Project Completed
Section 35: Meal-App-Vuex
Lecture 255 Project Introduction and API Resource
Lecture 256 Creation of Pages and Paths
Lecture 257 MealItem & Random Meal Fetch
Lecture 258 Search Meals
Lecture 259 MealDetail
Lecture 260 MealsByLetter
Anyone who trying to learn javascript but: 1) still don't really understand javascript, or 2) still don't feel confident to code real apps,Take this course if you want to gain a true and deep understanding of javascript,If you're interested in using a library/framework like React, Angular, Vue or Node in the future,Those who want to learn the basics of javascript, the world's most popular programming language,If you want to get started with programming: javascript is a great first language!,People who want to learn javascript projects,People who want to learn javascript libraries; react, angular, nodejs,People who want to learn javascript project, react node project, node js projects,Anyone who wants to learn to Vue .js,Programmers who are interested in building Web apps with Vue .js,Anyone who has no previous Web Development coding experience but wants to become expert,A total beginner, with a curious mind and wants to be an web developer,Anyone planning a job transformation and wants to become an web developer,Those who want to learn the javascript Framework with the fastest learning speed.

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