Author: fullsoftcrack on 24-12-2024, 09:50, Views: 8
Film Profile Journey. Spoiler alert: there's an amazing new episode coming soon! Secondly I think it's still great to actually remind yourself what aesthetics you actually want to achieve when using all sorts of film emulation LUTs or DCTLs. No matter if these are film print emulations or negative emulations! And we will cover all of this today. And without profiling actual film, I will propose to you tools and techniques how to achieve these aesthetics. Of course we're not going for matching something 1:1 (matching 1:1 also with actual film emulations is very vague), but just aim to dial this aesthetics in however we think looks good! Keep in mind that everybody also thinks of "film" a bit differently. That means what I would consider a "perfect" film emulation, may not be as perfect for someone else, because we all have some sort of "look" or "aesthetic" in mind when we hear the word "film" and this image in everyones mind may be completely different. So let's start with some theory and research and afterwards I will show you all the tools (a ton of them) and techniques on how to do this in the video part below!