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MicroStation 2023 Minor Update 2 ( Win x64

Author: fullsoftcrack on 10-02-2024, 19:08, Views: 35

MicroStation 2023 Minor Update 2 ( Win x64
Free Download MicroStation 2023 Minor Update 2 ( | 4.9 Gb
The MicroStation product team is proud to announce the availability ofMicrostation 2023 Minor Update 2 ( the computer-aided design (CAD) software that users worldwide trust for creating precise 2D and 3D drawings for infrastructure projects.
Owner:Bentley Systems Inc.
Product Name:MicroStation
Version:2023 Minor Update 2 (
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:4.9 Gb

New in Microstation 2023 Minor Update 2 (
Continued additions to the incorporated Geospatial Context workflow, which provides direct access to Esri ArcGISTm REST Feature Services and Esri ArcGISTm Map and Image Services, add security and confidence in your data. Access the secure services offered by Esri ArcGISTm Online without using any configuration.
The Feature Info tool has been added to the Raster Services ribbon group to allow the review of the feature information from Esri ArcGISTm Map Services as a Technology Preview.
The Bing Maps feature helps save you time by giving you access to assign a plane when bringing in the map from Bing Maps.
Usability & Productivity
Usability and the overall user experience in MicroStation is a key focus for our team. The following usability and productivity enhancements were implemented to help you save time and be more productive while working in MicroStation:
- Change the fill color of an element using the Change Attributes tool
- Use the AutoConstrain tool on multiple 2D elements in a design file
- Snap through solids and shapes that have a positive transparency value based on a set of conditions/settings
- Added conditions to create accurate solids by using the Solid by Extrusion Along Path tool.
Improved capabilities while working with other file formats like JT, which reduces costs and prevents the need for other software. The JT Explorer dialog now has an organization option to choose how you want to view the structure of the geometry.
Newly added import KML, which enables the import of a Google Earth KML file in the compressed KMZ version available in the Geographic toolbox. (Technology Preview)
Advanced Data Reporting
Deliver more intelligent models with improvements to Item Types, Tables, and Reports that enable you to easily add or remove elements from a report placed as a table on the layout ribbon edit the Item Type information of a File or Model in the Explorer Dialog right-click menu.
Additional Technology Preview Features
Auxiliary Coordinate System
Save time while working on your design files with additions to the Rotate ACS and Move ACS tools enabling you to adjust the position of the ACS by moving or rotating the ACS in the selected axis using the Show Manipulator setting.
DGN Audit
Reduce costly errors by using the DGN Audit tool to Audit DGN files to locate missing attachments (References, Raster, and Point Clouds), and fix range and level issues.
Parametric Modeling
Applying specific types of constraints to elements enables you to save time while conveniently and successfully modeling complex geometry. Additional settings to create a new variable or expression have been added to the 3D Dimension and 3D Angle Constraint Tools. Also, constrain elements to the horizontal X-axis or vertical Y-axis of the ACS triad using the new Horizontal 2D Constraint tool. Lastly, copy features from one parametric solid to another while using the newly added Copy Feature > To Other Solid copy method.
Reality Modeling
Extended capability in the Attach Point Cloud from Reality Management tool, which now allows the attachment of an Orbit Mapping Run (OMR) file as a point cloud and helps reduce cost from having to purchase more software

Below is the list of issues resolved in MicroStation 2023.2.
1097583 Resolved issue with iTwin Attach workflow failing in Proxy Environment after migration to iModelJS 3.0 package in ITSYN
1099084 Resolved issue with elements losing database linkage after break, trim, or other modification
1099554 Resolved issue with Parametric cells losing the item types properties after saving to DWG
1109427 Resolved issue with memory leak while switching to Display view -> background map > Aerial
1121811 Corrected the image shown for the Expression for Item Type with Latitude/Longitude Properties
1123478 Resolved issue with panning and zooming causing file to become unresponsive
1123952 Resolved issues with CR05.CRTM05-EPSG5367 Background Map appearing mirrored and other concerns
1134060 Resolved issue with viewport layer visibility not being honored.
1082377 Resolved issue with field values changing from DGN to DWG when opened in AutoCAD.
1085238 Resolved reference JT file Reload issue.
1086065 Fixed crash while running a report of a reference file using Current Selection
1086540 Resolved issue with MicroStation not honoring AutoCAD reference
1087053 If SDK function ViewCallback::SetSubstituteElemFunction() is used to control element display, a "fit view" is adding not displayed elements into range calculation, how to fix this?
1087090 Resolved crash with VBA IPrimitiveCommandEvents class example in MicroStation Upd 17.2
1090373 Fixed MicroStation crash when place parametric cell having item type attached to Variables dialog if the item type has volume defined with expressions.
1092489 Resolved issue with IFC (2x3) files containing revolving solid not getting opened/referenced.
1093681 Fixed crash while generating 3sm after adding clip shape.
1093735 Fixed [DC][Raster]Resize Canvas tool not working.
1094088 Resolved Label Line creating label in reverse direction for display
1094125 Fixed issue with 'Hide Thumbnail View' ON, still showing Thumbnails for DWG files
1060465 Fixed file crash when opened in MicroStation
1062204 Resolved Item Type properties not listing under property pane for parametric cell having item attached
1063959 Resolved issue with VBA method CreateCellElement2 to place a cell from library omitting ItemType properties attached to cell model
1064164 Fixed selecting the "Browse" button on the dialog opened by mdlDialog_fileCreateFromSeed causes MicroStation to become unresponsive in some cases
1065323 Fixed Distorted display and changing colors of major/minor contour lines in referenced Terrain Model
1066660 Fixed issue with copied Profile based Solids using 2D Parametric Cell as Profile shows disabled (non-editable) Profile Properties
1067305 Fixed issue with All VBA methods to create new elements from given array of elements like CreateComplexShapeElement1 raising a runtime error or crash if executed from external process
1067352 Fixed issue with Profile based Feature (Cut Solid with Curve) not adopting its property correctly
1068532 Resolved issue with File specific - Item type fields not updating after placing as a cell into DGN
1068657 Fixed issue with Previous ByLevel Property of the Profile based Solids remembered for the Attributes LineStyle and LineWt
1069673 Resolved - Cannot Export all instances of item types from all models
1072805 Resolved crash while [3sm] Manipulating view with attach mesh reality model
1073523 Fixed issue with the moved .3SM extend and the mesh display being in different location on re-opening DGN
1074162 Resolved issues with the ribbon customization being available if the file is in readonly mode.
1074484 Resolved crash with Windows File Explorer when searching network DGN file content of files in search bar when iFilter is installed
1075113 Corrected the location where workset folder is created
1077278 Fixed crash in MicroStation CE while merging reference files into master..
1078060 Refresh Table does check for ProjectWise intermediate updates and does not refresh the dms with a newer version if one exists. Refresh Table needs to update their refresh logic to include a dms updates
1095991 Resolved issue with incomplete display of V8i created clothoid spiral element in CE
1004660 Fixed issue with editing Item Type Text field when it is placed as a parametric cell
1168779 Fixed crash while opening Properties Pane in MicroStation
1178215 Fixed issue with PDF not attaching as a raster in the correct location.
1181075 Made Level display consistent after update from saved view
1181090 Fixed issues with refreshing associated table after making changes in Excel spreadsheet changing size and appearance of table
1187665 Fixed crash while selecting picklist dropdown from Attach Item Dialog for unsaved DGNlib Item Types
1192735 Resolved issue with WMTS service with truncated tile tree head not displaying in MicroStation
1199383 Fixed Reference dialog header to not show Number of iModel models attached to file that are not visible.
1203380 Fixed MicroStation crash while placing annotation text where oAnnoText.IsViewIndependent = True
661564 Fixed issue with [MS] not attaching MRSID MG4 Raster in SS10
661627 Fixed issue with LineString segments that can't be edited in detailed window
661690 Fixed VBA method .addTag to iclude isHidden property when placing new tags
657507 Fixed issue with Cell used as pattern through display rules are not seen in Reference files
657524 Resolved issuew where VBA Editor offers empty palette for back/foreground colorpicker selection
657688 Fixed issue with Importing/Copying "saved View" from one model to another does not copy the links to the drawings and reference.
657728 Enabled F1 context sensitivity for 'Packager' help page.
669887 Fixed MicroStation crash while loading an SHP file
673614 Fixed issue in MS CE 16 where Staircase from OBD Application when launched in MS shown in wireframe mode.
687146 Fixed delay whileselecting Workspace with large number of worksets exist
702966 Resolved issue with MicroStation hanging while merging references
658809 Added PopSet toggle button in the ribbon
658871 Fixed Icons disappearing in the ribbon when user hovers cursor over them
658945 Fixed incorrect [GEOCOORD] NTF.Lambert definitions
659586 Fixed issue with data not displaying for USGS GeoPDF quad sheets attached as raster
659896 Fixed Table seeds formatting not working with excel data
660123 Fixed issue with Fillet tool - the fillet tool does not allow a truncate method of 'first' or 'none' if the fillet will not connect to at least one of the elements or neither element crosses past the other
660288 break element simplifies element
660294 Fixed issue with Text style getting changed when using Set Elevation Tool on text
660365 Fixed issue with MSDB SQL query failure "Numeric value out of range" with certain integer values (>9999) when datatype = Integer
660471 Rsolved issue with Dimension Style dialog> Units tab> Angle Format> Display DD' MM' not working.
660774 Fixed issue with Custom Font FDOT - characters "fi" not displaying on the view.
661008 Fixed issue with text favorite not placing keep wrap text setting
661374 Support for Web Map Tile Service
653620 Fixed context sensitivity issue for 'Place Label' tool, help id is PlaceLabel
653640 Resolved inability to create region from Note
653658 Fixed issue with Drop Dimension setting working incorrectly when placing a note
654598 Fixed issue with Item Type Pick List Fields Not Loading On File Open
654754 Imporved PDF output printing time in CE
655109 Fixed issue with Referenced Saved Views displaying incorrectly in SS3
655292 Fixed issue with Mmerging reference DXF/DWG resulting in element being moved to Default level
655879 Fixed issue with VBA property .Presentation not supporting DisplayStyles
656100 Enabled drop pattern for Drop element tool
656360 Resolved mdlTag_freeValue function in C++ cannot be linked, there is no delivered library in SDK with definition
656435 Fixed issue with Promis.e File not getting compressed properly in MicroStation
1022610 Fixed issuew with Item Types attached to a new cell not appearing
1025370 Fixed issue with Clash detection recomputing clashes and removes element IDs.
1036569 Fixed performance/Consuming high memory issue while displaying ECW raster. .
1037757 Fixed the pixel type support (HRPChannelOrgRGB (8, 8, 8, 0,...)) for Tiff image
1041745 Fixed issue with WMS/WMTS progressive display sometimes not refreshing
1042641 Fixed issue with Variation property text from item type not working
1044779 Fixed Boolean Operation giving incorrect Results on Scaled Smart Solid
656921 Fixed issuw for the design file setting should honor the selected color of the Drawing pointer cursor in MSCE
889416 Fixed crash when attempting to add new Text Favorite in delivered Cell Library.
892518 Fixed issue with Bentley View 16.3 update through Connection client failing, only for localized versions
1015623 Fixed issue with Solid By Extrusion Along Path (Mode: Circular Profile) Tool option 'Use Active Attributes' does not honor active Line Style=0 and Line Weight=0
1021836 Fixed issue when saving DGN to DWG the dimension text gets scaled up in DWG
910758 Removed option 'Segmented Loft' which is irrelevant from Loft Solid Tool
747021 Fixed Terrain Contour symbology changing when zooming in/out
757208 Fixed Civil 3D object mismatch display in MicroStation
760989 Fixed Snapping element issue when placement tool is active
773982 Fixed issue with create region by flood continuing to fail after view changed
809341 Fixed Tag text changing from 120/240V to 1/2V
812993 Fixed Batchconvert error log4net.
945831 Fixed issue with Turned off levels coming back as turned on in the sheet file
950538 Resolved issue with Level Display Elements column not refreshing after deleting all elements
961748 Fixed issue with Placed DWG blocks/cell attributes (as item types) not being visible.
962696 Resolved issue with Shared cells missing from DGN to DWG.
969509 Fixed issue with AECC_ALIGNMENT_GEOMPOINT_LABEL_GROUP text display not being controedl by correct level
971336 Fixed issue with WMTS service requiring credentials can be edited but cannot be attached
971582 Fixed issue with Level Display Viewport freeze settings always turning ON for specific files and can't be changed
977753 Fixed issue when copying solids
980070 Fixed issue with performance of Cell on Azure Premium Storage
991346 Fixed error message displaying when publishing iModel with "Create a single package" toggled ON
998542 Resolved issue with inablility to hide Search field
MicroStation 2023 Minor Update 2 ( Win x64
MicroStationis the only computer-aided design (CAD) software purpose-built for infrastructure design, helping architects and engineers like you bring their vision to life, present their designs to their clients, and deliver their projects to the community. MicroStation's advanced parametric 3D modeling capabilities allow infrastructure professionals of any discipline to deliver data-driven, BIM-ready models. MicroStation and all Bentley BIM applications are built on the same comprehensive modeling platform. You therefore can easily progress your MicroStation work into discipline specific workflows with Bentley's design and analytical modeling BIM applications. With this flexibility, each member of your project team has exactly the right application for the work they need to do.MicroStation 2023is packed with new features, improved workflows, and several user experience enhancements, with focuses on a new access to geospatial features and maps, issue resolution improvements, increased data reporting, and user experience upgrades
Introduction to MicroStation CONNECT Edition for Building Designers
This video series contains exercises intended to help a new MicroStation user become familiar with the MicroStation CONNECT Edition. This will be done from the point of view of a building designer or drafter working at a design firm, that is new to MicroStation, and has been awarded a design project that they will be involved with. During this course you will learn basic navigation of the MicroStation CONNECT user interface, creating and working with MicroStation design files, design file settings, and more.
Bentley Systems the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

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